Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Microsoft eyeing cloud backup service for its phones

Microsoft aims to help Windows Phone owners safely store their personal data on its servers as part of a future service.

An software engineering job listing picked up by WMPoweruser seeks someone to join its "Windows Phone Backup, Migrate, and Restore team."

"Our goal is to ensure that no matter if someone loses their phone, drops their phone in a lake, buys a new windows phone, or just has their toddler wipe their phone by entering the wrong PIN over and over, a user can quickly and seamlessly get their phone back to a good state," the listing reads.

In the posting Microsoft notes that those aforementioned features are for "the next version of Windows Phone," which puts into question whether the feature will be available for current Windows Phone owners.

As it stands, Microsoft's current back-up solution for its phones is tied to its Zune software, meaning users must go back to their home computer to get a back-up. Competitors like Apple and Google have moved farther away from this, offering cloud-based backup services for their mobile operating systems.

In Google's case, the phone will re-download apps, app data ... [Read more]


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