Will Nokia's first Windows Phone look like this?
(Credit:Josh Long/CNET)
Oh, Microsoft. It's no secret that I think you could and should do more to win hearts and minds over to Windows Phone's cause. I proclaimed it loudly a year ago, and I'll say it again today. By relying solely on your partner manufacturers to trot out your few Windows Phones this CTIA, you've missed another golden opportunity for showing off the goods.
That's a big problem. When Samsung and Google delayed their Ice Cream Sandwich and Galaxy Nexus unveiling, it left a void in the show that any number of companies could have stepped up to take. And goodness knows, Microsoft, you need all the media goodwill you can get, especially after your Windows Phone 7.5 Mango update--which was a good update--didn't rock the world.I know what you're thinking: What's the point? You're clearly waiting for Nokia World on October 26 to ... [Read more]
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